Tricked Makes It Sound Like We Have A Playful Relationship

I know that Bioshock is good and all, but if I were a gaming journalist, I’d give it a 9.9 just to be a fucking dick. Unless they paid me off, of course.

Speaking of games, Bongweasel reminded me that I’ve yet to say anything about Beautiful Katamari. Now I’m saying it. It’s as excellent as you’d expect from a game where you roll a giant ball of everything around, sucking people and puppy dogs into the eventual fiery cosmic sacrifice that you intend to make of them. Go download the demo.

I’m very disappointed that I purchased Golden Axe for the Wii when I could have had it on XBLA. I want multiplayer and achievements goddammit. Also, I’ve become incredibly addicted to Rainbow Six Vegas again, so if anyone wants to get in on our fake clan, hit me up with your tag in an email or something.

I’m going to be removing some of the ads. I put this Amazon thing on there because it seems to be effective, provided some of you jackasses who buy stuff at Amazon decide to be nice and use our account id. I figure if I’m going to post once a millennia, I may as well make your experience of it a little more tolerable.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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