Trailer Goodness

Since Killbot was so kind as to point these out to me last night, I figured somebody ought to inform the three or four of you who have not yet seen them:

  • [ Batman Begins Teaser Trailer ] – Sweet, next year is going to kick some serious ass. I love that they show him trotting the globe, hopefully learning how to fight and whatnot. I can’t wait, the cast on this movie is fucking amazing already. And it never hurts in Sharkey land when you throw my wife Katie Holmes into the mix.
  • [ Hitchhiker’s Guide Teaser Trailer ] – Not much meat, but its a pretty goddamn good trailer.

Now as long as George Lucas can keep his dirty mitts out of the “suck” jar when he’s making the next Star Wars flick, Summer 2005 is going to be kickass all the way around!

I was kidding. He had the suck jar permanently attached to his dick twenty years ago. But two out of three ain’t bad.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. w00t.Did anybody else notice that you can click different parts of the batman symbol and get still shots of stuff from the movie?Am I treading in Orion country here?

  2. Uhhh…I was uh, being sarcastic, or something that makes sense and doesn’t make me look stupid.*Runs away*

  3. Star warsSacrilige. The OT is a shining example of a trilogy gone right. Though shalt not cast thy spoil upon them.

  4. …\”Did anybody else notice that you can click different parts of the batman symbol and get still shots of stuff from the movie?\”Or you can just click that button at the bottom that says, \”Photos.\” It works much faster.

  5. Trailer GoodnessI see \”Trailer Goodness\” and I automatically think about white trash strippers. See what this website does to people? =)

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