Time To Heavily Abuse Substances

For an unemployed guy, I sure do work a fucking lot.

I apologize for the lack of updates this week, I’ve been working out in the field since Monday trying to drum up as much business as possible, all the while earning a steady paycheck. Things are looking pretty good at the moment, so I’m quite pleased, but I have been neglecting you, my poor internet lovers. For this, I intend to make things up to you in spades. In the meantime, try to bear with your ol’ pal Sharkey.

The good news is, the new system that will run BAMF is nearly operational. We’re going to be on the lookout for quality writers who want to be part of the new features and content we’re going to focus on here. So if you’re an egotistical prick with a talent for writing, hit me up with an email and some samples of what you can do. If you focus on a specific aspect of the site (music, games, women), even better.

Speaking of which, I’d better upload some game news, humor, and titties before the rest of you get cranky.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. OKSharkey, i hang out in your site cause your humor is very much along the lines of my own, and you keep me entertained. I have not found any site like yours that brings me so much pleasure in all the net. Im not a gamer, music is good but it dosent run my life, im more into obscure shit that makes me stop and think for a moment, who the fuck knows, maybe im BAMF material without knowing it.

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