This Sounds Suspiciously Similar To Revelations

You know, being a conservative fellow, it’s an odd time when there is such a wide divide in support for your political party’s decisions, especially when that party is in control of the Presidency. However, it’s always nice to know that there are some charming Democrats out there who want to fuck up their own party under the guise of trying to help. Kind of like a Mr. Magoo of helpfulness, fucking up everyone’s universe while just trying to get a damned cup of coffee. Soon enough, the Dems will get their Magoo back, in the form of Jerry Springer.

Talk show host Jerry Springer has a secret of his own to share: He’s considering running for the U.S. Senate next year.

Springer, a Democrat, said he’ll decide by summer whether to challenge George Voinovich, a Republican who has said he’ll run for a second term in 2004.

“I want to be helpful in rebuilding the party,” he said. “Whether I have to be a candidate is a totally separate issue. … I don’t need a job.”

I know, he was a Mayor back in the 80s, but who gives a shit about that. You can’t sit and mediate a show containing 400lb Klan members who’s mothers are dating black womenin prison without coming out of it a little bit “tweaked”. True, he’s probably got expertise in diffusing explosive situations, such as stopping a buck toothed redneck from bashing his wife in the head with a folding chair, but I sincerely doubt that this will translate well to the Senate floor. Somehow I doubt that Trent Lott is going to try ripping out his seat and clobbering Hillary Clinton with it… although I might watch more CSPAN if he did.

Where was I? Ah, whatever. Good luck Jerry, if nothing else, you might get more half naked women on the tube.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. IfWe’re lucky the teenage pregnant trailer trash and nymphomaniac transvestite dwarves are probably too busy or too lazy to vote. Otherwise he might have a chance at winning this thing.

  2. HrmI live in Ohio. Voinovich hasn’t screwed anything major up yet, and I think the whole paying for a whore with a check thing when he was Major of Cinci will come back to haunt him if he does decide to run. To get the support of the people, we can’t have some guy in office who actually has to pay for sex, right?

  3. ill help!damn dude i will be more than helpful to encourage him to run for senate for the sole purpose of making Democrats look even worse. But then again, knowing that the vast majority of citizens are complete and udder morons dosent help. God forbid he actually win.

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