My nether regions are all a-tingle from the impending arrival of the holiday season. Not because I’m a festive, jolly supporter of the winter season, but because there are about 8 bazillion games coming out that make my pants do the morning chubby dance. I’m already behind schedule, with Bully at only 30% and Final Fantasy XII lustfully calling out my name from its packaging, but that doesn’t stop me from getting excited about every other bit of goodness that the Christmas rush plans to dump into my lap.
Of course, the Wii is pretty much on top of every console gamer’s to-do list on November 19th. And to whet everyone’s appetites, here’s the latest lowdown on everything that will make you feel good about looking silly while swinging your hands around in the air like a jackass:
- Wii Screenshot Extravaganza
Aside from the obvious choices, I’m really excited at the prospect of Red Steel, so I can have one of those sword swingin’ titles from the arcade in the comfort of my living room. I’m sure that my neighbors will appreciate hearing the crowd from my place excitedly shouting “YES! STAB THAT SLANTY EYED FUCKER RIGHT IN THE FACE!” They’ll probably assume that I’m attempting to kill and dispose of the little woman.Thankfully, Japanese women are as good at reading as they are at driving, so she’ll never see this. …moving on.
- Bigass Zelda: TP Review
Another Bigass Zelda: TP Review
The consensus? It’s amazing, it’s at least 50-70 hours long, and your arms do not get tired while playing it. Not to mention the fucking sexy widescreen format.The reviewers estimate that with all of the sidequests and whatnot, you’re looking at 100 hours of amazingly grand gameplay. At this point, I’d say that I could stab an infant with a fork just to steal the Wii out of his still-unformed little fingers.
- How will you get a Wii, you might ask? Here’s a breakdown of launch day events at the big chains:
Wal-Mart – (Midnight opening)
Best Buy – (Limited midnight/early openings)
Target – (8AM openings, free popcorn/soda for line-ups)
Circuit City – (Some midnight openings)
Toys R Us – (Open at 10AM)Some other options, such as Costco, are good for people who have such memberships. If you’re looking for a traditional game store, such as EB or Gamestop, you’re shit out of luck. Those places sold out of preorders a long while ago, and won’t sell to the general public until all preorders have been fulfilled.
Doogie Howser is gay.
…wait, how did that get in here?Although it does bring new meaning to the quote “Dude, I humped every piece of ass that was ever on that show.”
- Nintendo World Tour Videos
A lot of hands-on coverage of pretty much every game coming out for the Wii. - Oh, and the component cables we all so desperately desire will NOT be online-only.
480p, here I come. Or here Wii come. Ha ha ha! Ha…. heh. Hmm.
Alright, I need to get back to spiting everything and playing Final Fantasy XII, but if you’ve got anything interesting to share, please use the little Submit News button up there.
Seriously. I actually do read that shit.
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o.oAWESOME!I have been a regular reader of Girls and Sports for some time, and I’m thrilled to find that someone saw fit to make a flash about it. The graphics here were nice and smooth, and looked very much like those of the strip, and I also found the tone similar-showing the guys at their best and worst when it comes to relationships.Good sound quality and voices, and a sense of pacing and storytelling that is sometimes hard to find in animations. good sense of character, too- even as a girl who completely sympathizes with the girlfriend, I didn’t find the actions of the guys too heinous. (Though I hope that he doesn’t really fatten her up again- judging by how well she reacted to his ‘dates’ he shouldn’t have to worry about competition. )Anyway, my only recommendation is to make more!