This Just In, Dork’s Tradition Causes Ruckus

What the Hell? 20 people show up to watch the most boring ten seconds in the history of mankind, and are excited about it.

I had to post this, because it’s so ridiculously non-newsworthy that I refuse to beleive that I am reading about it. I figure that putting it here will help me come to grips with the reality of the situation.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. …My favorite part was how they said the symbolism of the bottle of cognac was unknown. Maybe it was because he was A DRUNK, YOU STUPID FUCK!At least it was from a radio station and not a newspaper or something.

  2. jinkiesGuy was prolly drunk and didn’t realize all the florists were closed… he was like- SHIT! no wI gots to go buy my roses at the grocery store. Well damn the man, no red ones, we’ll go with this different variety.

  3. stupid.*rolling eyes* how stupid can you cunts get, he left a bottle every year for 40 years…. wow, still not newsworthy, heh.

  4. are you serious…Agreed on the last comment. At least they showed up for ten seconds. Imagine listening to game symphony for hours. I too am amazed women get into your bed, but I have seen some pretty skank bitches in my day.

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