Third Time’s The Charm?

Man oh man, Jennifer Lopez must really be afraid of dying alone. That girl is going to rival Liz Taylor in the man-meat processing department if she’s not careful. She got married to Marc Anthony over the weekend, making him husband numero tres’.

Lopez and Anthony reportedly tied the knot Saturday in a small ceremony at her Beverly Hills, Calif., home. Anthony’s publicist would not comment Monday. Lopez’s spokesperson didn’t immediately return a call Monday, but told The Associated Press on Sunday that he had no comment.

This is the third marriage for the 34-year-old Lopez – the first was to waiter Ojani Noa in 1997, the second to Judd in 2001. Noa lasted a little more than a year; Judd for nine months.

The singer-actress also was engaged to Affleck, her “Gigli” co-star, but amid a huge media frenzy they canceled their plans in September 2003 and broke up in January.

Awwww… how sweet. I’m certain that J. Lo has finally… finally found the man for her. That one true relationship that will last forever.

Alright, what are my bets on how long “forever” is? I’ve got 3-1 odds on nine months, 5-1 odds on six, and 7-1 on a full year. Put your money down now, especially if you’re betting on this Tuesday, which pays off 50-1.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Sounds familiarI’m betting she’ll sober up pretty quick and dump Sr. Antony faster than Britney dumped whats-his-face.

  2. It’s George Costanza!What’s his face? How can you forget George Costanza?…er, I mean, Jason Alexander.Nevermind…

  3. heySpeaking of remembering stuff no one will remember, what ever happened with the contest to guess how many email messages Sharkey had when he came back from vacation? Where’s my prize??

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