Think McFly, Think.

Dude… I’ve known that Crispin Glover (George McFly from Back To The Future) is a total fucking freak for a long time. Anyone who collects used electric chairs has to have a screw loose somewhere. But what… what the fuck is going on here? (thanks again, FaaQ)

This trailer is for Crispin’s directorial debut: What Is It? Someone should tell that fucker that irony is getting stale. Here’s the lowdown from IMDB:

Tagline: Being the adventures of a young man whose principle interests are snails, salt, a pipe, and how to get home. As tormented by an hubristic, racist inner psyche.

Plot Outline: What Is It? is a bewildering, unnerving, surreal, blackly comic film from the visionary mind of Crispin Glover that tells the inner and outer struggles of a young man facing villains and demons on multiple planes.

Keep in mind that all of the actors aside from Glover have Downs Syndrome. I always thought that he seemed like a semi-talented actor, and reasonably intelligent. Batshit insane, sure, but intelligent enough. I don’t see the need to surround onesself with mentally handicapped actors unless you felt like making yourself look better. I’m pretty sure that kid from “Life Goes On” was in there though, so maybe that’ll deepen the talent pool.

Then, of course, there’s his essay on the film, which… is a real fun read. Here’s a highlight:

Is it possible that the Columbine shootings would have not occurred if Steven Spielberg had never wafted his putrid stench upon our culture, a culture he helped homogenize and propagandize?

Would the culture benefit from Steven Spielberg’s murder, or would it be lessened by making him a martyr? Or would people then begin to realize their lives had become less banal and more interesting due to his departure? Because I think it is possible a beautiful piece of non-lingual music could well be written by an angry victim once Steven Spielberg becomes a corpse. It could be that this angry victim of banal and ruinous propaganda will have written an anthem signaling a new era, a new thought process, a new music, and a new culture that is desperately needed in the coming days, and forevermore.

The bit about Goebbels made me laugh. Hard.

So yeah, Crispin has officially gone bye-bye, Egon. But I’ll still rent his crazy ass movie.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. old newsthis movie played in Tampa almost 10 years ago and had a write up in Spin as I recall. Faruza Balk (it was her \”hay day\” then is the voice of a snail

  2. so yea…psychotropics. Lots of them.This reminds me of that Dali movie from what…30’s? Andalusian Dog, End Illusion Dog..whatever it was. ANyway, Crispin Glover is probably certifiable by now, but it will be ineresting to see him unravel slowly and painfully. If any of you are psyche majors, you should start writing your thesis on him. You’ll get an A.

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