They Mostly Go Good With Butter… Mostly.

Poor PinchyToday is a day for love, my internet concubine. And on this day I will make sweet occular snuggles with your eyesockets. Unless of course you are blind, and use one of those internet reader devices. In which case I must apologize, because you’re going to get an earful’s worth of messy code prior to your auditory rape.

I present to you something excellent, even for someone who doesn’t eat most seafood (like yours truly) there can be some sort of pleasure derived from the Lobster Skinning Machine.

It’s like the fucking baby aliens from Alien got shucked, de-acidificated, and served with some whipped butter and a baked potato.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. This video contains footage of the most infamous and malicious programs on the Web.

    Spyware, Adware, Trojans, Worms, Keyloggers, Toolbar Hijackers, and other harmful programs are all tracking programs that secretly install onto your computer. Once you’re infected with these malicious programs, your privacy and personal information are at risk! Spyware, as well as other malicious programs, can go from dangerous, stealing your passwords and credit card information, to simply annoying you with their excessive popups.

    These malicious programs can track your surfing habits, abuse your Internet connection by sending this data to a third party, profile your shopping preferences, hijack your browser, and alter important system files – all without your knowledge or permission. The security and privacy implications of these exploits should not be taken lightly.

    Immediate action must be taken to rid yourself of these computer infestations.

    Get the removal tool at:

    SpywareQuake is a rogue anti-spyware program that issues annoying pop ups claiming that the computer is infected with dangerous spyware and offering to download and install its alleged spyware remover.

    Do not be fooled, SpywareQuake is Spyware in disguise! While SpywareQuake may seem harmless, it is in fact the provider of the spyware that it claims to remove.

    SpywareQuake hijacks the home page and redirects the web browser to SpywareQuake’s website, displays a menacing blue warning screen suggesting “the system has been stopped to protect you from Spyware” to trick you into paying money for its software, and jeopardizes your privacy and security online by installing trojans and other spyware.

    SpywareQuake is a serious security risk to your computer and should not be trusted as a legitimate spyware remover!

    Get the removal tool at: … (more)

  2. P-Bot here, with your weekly Portal update! But first, here are today’s top five:
    Pawn of the Dead, by TITROTU (also known for (Old) Pokemon Quest)

    Battlefield General, by freeworldgroup

    Phoenix Wrong: Lawgasm, by AshfordPride

    -Pina Story -, by gener8ion

    Gears of War VS Halo, by Cellulum
    We also have new submissions by the following popular artists:
    AbzRox, Athi, Balgaron, BettysCrew, Beyond-Insanity-666, cricketycrujo, Daagah, Dark-ChiCKeN, doughts, galactic-core, GazSmithGames, I3UnGEE, Krisantus, LeechmasterB, mechabloby, MrChocobo, SeanSullivan, subcultured, teraissa, Tomorrows-Nobody and toon53

    As always, we received a lot of great new submissions this week. Here are the top five!

    Boxhead: More Rooms, by seantcooper
    Rodan said: “Great, Great game! Perfect, even!”

    Super Mario bros Z ep 5, by Alvin-Earthworm
    metroidman151 said: “CAN U USE MY MUSIC?”

    Valentine ’29, by almightyhans
    Carlos-Restrepo said: “Magnifico”

    Cuboy Ep.1, by EdibleCastle
    malefic-puppy said: “Cuboy’s the name”

    Electricman 2 HS, by freeworldgroup
    Hyperraider said: “Good Effort, Nice and Clean game.”
    Another popular submission this week is “Tilt 2”, by AlexHeaton.

    What does everyone think of these recent submissions?

    Heads up! The user name lockdown will be happening on March 1st. After March 1st, you will no longer be able to change your user name, so make sure you have one you like.

    There are several reasons behind the lockdown:

    1) With the introduction of user pages, your name becomes your URL. Since we won’t be linking to you via a unique ID# anymore, we don’t want you breaking our links.

    2) We’ve had too many issues this past year with account hackers, as well as people temporarily changing their names for fun, only to complain when someone takes their name.

    3) Users who change their names cause confusion because everyone forgets who they are. It’s annoying.

    And no, this does not mean we are launching the redesign on March 1st. I know what you REALLY care about, so here’s a level icon:

    I was browsing the shelves of Blockbuster over the weekend when I stumbled upon a surprise – a row of Broken Saints DVDs! It was especially cool because from that same vantage point, I was able to turn and see Alien Hominid gracing the front row of the games section.

    It made me think about the early years, when bigshot Hollywood web sites would tout their celebrity ties. I’d hear stories about who stopped in the office on any given day, as if that was some reason for me to run to LA and sell them NG for a couple of bucks. For a while, the thought of working with celebrities was exciting to me. Over time, a bigger idea became more exciting. I started thinking, what if the people I already know are the ones who are going to be the celebrities in a few years?

    It’s like we’re our own little brat pack, where in time, more and more NG alumni are making their mark on the world. You can feel it happening already with ThreeBrain’s regular skit appeances on Conan O’Brien and David Firth’s cartoons appearing on UK television. More and more artists are embarking on epic quests to develop feature length films and DVD compilations. Weird Al even picked a few guys he found on NG to make videos for his latest CD!

    Another beloved user is embarking on an epic quest of his own. Wwwyzzerdd is joining the Navy and will be going away for the next few years. His story is worth reading, so be sure to check it out. We all wish wwwyzzerdd the best of luck on his new journey! Maybe we can have an eParty when he returns. A 21-gun salute, NG style!

    The Roomz is a point-and-click game with similarities to online riddle games along the lines of Ouverture Facile and God Tower. One key difference is that The Roomz has a slight adventure flavor to it and, as a result, is a bit more interactive. Each room has a locked door and keypad. You must use clues inside the room to discover the password to get out. Use the magnifying glass to take an up-close peek at the scenery and use the cursor to move some of the objects around. You never know where the next hint is lurking.

    Puzzles in The Roomz can be multi-faceted thanks to the “HSsystem” box at the bottom of the screen. Piecing together clues may lead you to a certain word or phrase. Type something into the box and click “Go”. If you entered the right thing, a piece of paper will appear in your inventory. Read it for a clue on how to get the exit password.

    The creators, Stachu and Ralfi, have added new rooms to the game fairly often and the current count is about 25. There’s also a handy forum in case you get stuck (and you will). It’s also a really good idea to write down solutions to each room you solve, as the QuickPass feature will let you jump to the last room you completed if you have the code.

    Analysis: The Roomz is a great take on the familiar online riddle genre. The authors made good use of Flash to take it to a new level in terms of media and presentation. Interactive objects, cinema-style cutscenes, and short spurts of music make it a more rewarding experience. I also enjoyed using the magnifying lens to scope out the scenery, although in some rooms it turned into a straight-up pixel hunt.

    For a satisfying point-and-click riddle game with a bit of style, The Roomz won’t disappoint. Click.

    Cheers to Eileen and Ralfi102 for sending this one in!

    War is everywhere in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR), the new MMORPG from the creators of Dark Age of Camelot®. Based on Games Workshop’s popular Warhammer® fantasy war game, WAR features next generation Realm vs. Realmâ„¢ (RvR) game play that will immerse players in a world of perpetual conflict.

    Upon entering WAR, players must determine their allegiance and join an Army. Those inclined towards the side of good may fight for the Armies of Order as an obstinate Dwarf, noble High Elf, or loyal human soldier of the Empire. Those inclined towards darker deeds may side with the sinister Armies of Destruction as a savage Greenskin (Orc or Goblin), corrupt Dark Elf, or marauding human worshipper of Chaos.

    RvR combat takes place on three fronts where ancient foes wage an unending war – Dwarfs vs. Greenskins, High Elf vs. Dark Elf, and Empire vs. Chaos. Players begin the game fighting their ancestral enemy, but are free to journey to other fronts to help their allies in their ongoing struggles.

    The ultimate goal in RvR combat is the sacking of an enemy’s capital city. To do this, an army must invade and take control of the opposition’s homeland. Deciding battles take place on objective-based battlefields and in instanced scenarios – point-balanced battles that make use of NPC mercenaries known as Dogs of War.

    For the first time, WAR’s RvR system integrates both Player vs. Player (PvP) combat and Player vs. Environment (PvE) quests on the same map. Every aspect of the game, including PvE missions, is geared towards the greater war in some important way. However, players are not required to participate in PvP combat, and may aid in the RvR war effort and enjoy the game in its entirety via PvE content.

    Drawing from a quarter century of highly detailed source material, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning will bring Games Workshop’s fantasy world to life in a way that will allow players to create characters destined for great deeds and glory on the field of battle.

  3. hmm messy code…yup…
    Markup Validation Service v0.7.4

    ResultsResult: Failed validation, 80 errors
    File: default.htm
    Encoding: utf-8
    Doctype: (no Doctype found)

    No DOCTYPE found! Attempting validation with HTML 4.01 Transitional.

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