They Also Have An OJ Simpson Knife Holder

Notice to any Iraqi families looking for some objets d’art to sprinkle around your war-torn homestead: remodelling with old artillery does not a Martha Stewart make. That takes a deal with Satan and a few insider trading scandals.

A Montenegrin family thought a World War II artillery shell was the ideal replacement for a broken table leg — until it exploded, injuring eight people as they were about to eat a meal.

“It was our own idea to replace the missing leg with this cannon grenade,” house owner Milovan Miskovic said. “We thought it was harmless…it was here in our courtyard for some 50 years.”

But “all of a sudden, we heard a loud bang and then everything went black.”

Good idea pops. How about giving baby Huey one of those old grenades for a pacifier this Christmas? Thankfully (?) the family suffered minor injuries, and have since replaced the errant table leg with their latest backyard findings.

Celestia, quit fucking wobbling, we're having pie up here!
I know, it’s a cheap shot. But we’re all about the cheap shots here. Besides, what better use would you find for Anne if she stumbled into your backyard spouting shit about God, Celestia, and popcorn? Well, I know what most of you would do, and Lord only knows what you’d catch you little perverts.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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