There’s A Reason They’re Free

Take a look in your wallets fellas, because those rubbers might not be as sturdy as your… yeah.

[ Consumer Reports Rates Condoms ] (thanks Grant)

The consumers group best known for rating cars and washing machines has turned its testing prowess to condoms to find out which ones measure up best and how other birth control methods compare.

The nonprofit Consumers Union says in a new guide to contraception that the seven top types of condom they studied did not burst despite vigorous testing, and all models met international standards.

A melon-colored model distributed by Planned Parenthood performed the worst, bursting during a test in which the latex condoms were filled with air.


*checks wallet*

Oh right, the whiskey flavored ones from that vending machine in Edinburgh. I’m safe.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Planned parenthood indeed.\”A melon-colored model distributed by Planned Parenthood performed the worst, bursting during a test in which the latex condoms were filled with air.\”It’s all a conspiracy to keep their funding. More babies = OUR SERVICES ARE NEEDED MORE!We see through you fuckers. Nice try.

  2. HAHAHAHA\”You end up with a balloon 3 feet tall and a foot wide. They can really stretch an amazing amount,\” Metcalf said in a telephone interview.

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