There is a house in New Orleans

Back from my work-imposed abstinence from writing here. The holidays are over, my new computer is networked, and we’re gonna start off with…

150 Covers of “House of the Rising Son”.

Why the hell not? It’ll keep you monkeys occupied while I figure out what I’m gonna do for the next few weeks. I know I promised an mp3 a day, Monday through Friday starting the beginning of the year, but I didn’t get this machine set up online until this afternoon, so you all will just have to wait until I get this backlog of cd reviews (don’t worry, it’s only three) banged out.

Look for the official start of the mp3 blog next Monday. I’m trying to figure out a schedule… like, punk rock Mondays, country/folk/bluegrass Tuesdays, etc. Comment and let me know if you geniuses have any suggestions.

Categorized as Music

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