The Stork Is Bringing You A Redneck

[ Britney Spears Pregnant? ]

Britney Spears has been out shopping in a baby store – and reportedly told staff she is nine weeks pregnant.

The scruffy Toxic babe – who wore a skimpy pink top with no bra – was snapped in trendy Babystyle in downtown LA.

It would hardly be a surprise, as Britney has hinted many times over that she’s desperate to have hubby Kevin Federline’s baby.

Meh. She pretty much flushed her career down the toilet anyway, so why not? Besides, the sooner she shits a kid out, the sooner she can stare longingly at the Britney Spears gallery and wonder what made her ass go from apple to watermelon.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Nice NipsWow – it must’ve been cold in there.I can’t help but thinking she’s going to end up like Courtney Love. Bitter and fugly. Oh and a whore.

  2. Just watchThat ass ain’t going nowhere. She’s gonna be one of those jogger moms…you know, the kind that endup having a brain damaged, three limbed kid due to malnutrition in the womb; the down-home gene pool won’t help either, for that matter.No worries, though, as you can expect her to adopt a cute, blond haired, blue eyed little prince/princess of a baby to claim as her own. Look for the real child in the news fifteen years down the road…

  3. hahatactical brilliance by that federline guy. now that she’s his baby’s momma, he is in the money guaranteed. brilliant strategist stunner. akin to that chappelle episode of dave nailing oprah

  4. So you wouldn’t….Britneys bank balance >>>>>>>>>> Alize or whoeverthefuck she isRich, dumb and probably fucked the Federline guy raw…. what guy would NOT have wanted to be in his position. If he stays….life of luxury, lets face it, she may be a redneck, but she’s kinda far from trailer park with that much in the bank.If he bails… fame, book deal, made for TV movie and a huge divorce settlement.He’s a lucky bastard

  5. Do it.Man,In order to preserve this for our children’s chilern, that picture needs to go into the Pie Gallery stat(!), before that link goes down.

  6. Oh!And what kind of ******y paparazzi-type would grace us with ONLY ONE photo of her in that shirt?? Man, if ever there was a gold mine and a missed opportunity, that was it.

  7. borkWouldn’t hit it (anymore). She’s totally fugly these days – have you seen the paparazzi shots of her lately? And not just the occasional bad one – they’re all really, really bad. She’s a skank. Never thought I would have said that, but she got real ugly, real fast.

  8. tell ya what…when she comes begging for you… pleading for you to do many degrading things to her…. and you tell her no, then come back and post :PBTW hot & rich chick > hot chick everytime

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