The Sheriff Is Near

I must say that I’m a big fan of where Obama would steer this country were he to be elected President of the United States. No, I haven’t jumped on his or any liberal bandwagon. From a political standpoint he doesn’t make much sense as the leader of this nation, although I do dig on any (mildly) black liberal talking shit on the welfare system. It’s just that deep down I believe that Barack Obama is the one guy on this planet who can lead us to a future where Mel Brooks can make one more movie about uppity niggers before he dies.

Then we can all laugh… together.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Don’t think for a second that that LIBERAL IMPOSTER is any kind of “hope”. Hope is the new slogan word, struggle of the Black man in the white house is the new CNN story, buy into it America, buy into it America! If old white man Bush is the bad guy, than INHERINTLY, the black dude MUST be the GOOD GUY!! That’s called Science@!

    This is….uuggghhh….of course…..NONSENSE!!

    Get it straight, Burack Osama, Obama bin Laden, George Bush Clinton W Reagon are all the same people working for the SAME TEAM. It’s an illusion folks, you’ve been duped. Your vote means nothing, your say is negated. Thanks for coming out.

    I love how we are all now essentially convinced that our opinions, our hopes, fears, desires, ambitions, can all be conveinantly summed up in 2 neat little philosophical balls, democrat and republican.

    Doesn’t matter if you vote or not, the man that will be intstalled will be installed, not by the government, or the people, just the controlling elite who dont give a rats ass about you or your families.

  2. Smooth move Sharkey, now you have to apologize to Jess Jackson, emperor of black people, and establish a scholarship for blacks.

  3. “The new president’s a n*BONNNNGGG!”
    “What did he say?”
    “I believe he said the new president’s near.”
    “No! Dadgummit! I said the new president’s a n*BONNNNNG!”

    “I get no kick from champagne….mere alcohol, doesn’t thrill me at all.”

    “De Camptown Ladies?”

    Ahh. Mel Brooks. We’ll miss you.

    Huh? What do you mean he’s still alive?

  4. First:

    Jason420 – Pay more attention to the process, not giving Obama and his supporters the due they deserve for protecting the integrity of the popular vote during this primary season is about as retarded as your post.


    “Where all the white women at?”

  5. Smokin Joe:

    “Integrity of the popular vote”?????!!!!!!


    I suppose America is the GReatest Nation on Earth still too huh?? In god we Trust? TThe Check is in the mail? I Promise not to cum in your mouth!

    You only have faith in the American dream BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE ASLEEP TO BELIEVE IT.


    You’ve been DUPED if you think otherwise or that your vote will actually count for something. IT DOESNT.

  6. Jason420, die in a fire.

    This is one of the few countries on earth where you can actually say such mindless ramblings.

    I love how people like you spout such absolute exaggerations of opinions (NOT FACTS ASSHOLE) and believe they know more than the regular person within the country. How about you go do something about it and not bitch you piece of useless shit.

    I bet you didn’t even vote. And if you didn’t then the discussion ends there. This country has given its people a great forum for debate and discussion, just because during the short period of time you’ve existed (it’s been painful for us all) things haven’t operated perfectly or to your liking, does NOT mean the system has been hijacked, or that it doesn’t work.

    Look over time and you will see:

    You’re fucking retarded.

    Go create arguments that are shakier than Muhammad Ali giving Michael J. Fox a piggyback ride and merely consist of the keystrokes:

  7. Smokin Joe:

    “This is one of the few countries on earth where you can actually say such mindless ramblings”

    Check out the documentary “Endgame”.

  8. Soviet dictator Josef Stalin once said ‘It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes’

    Election Fraud has already been proven. Your say is negated. It doesn’t matter if you vote or not, it means nothing.

  9. Oh my god, you’re opinion on voter fraud is based on a Joseph Stalin quote?

    So when did our vote stop counting? Right after civil rights? Right after women received more rights? After Homersexuals receive the right to Civil Unions?

    I mean, that Stalin quote was missing one more segment at the end, “…and I count the votes.”

    Find someone who wasn’t one of the most infamous dictators if you want to relate your psychotic opinions to today’s government. I’ll admit we’re in a trough when it comes to our individual rights, but I feel we’re on the way up.

    To say that everyone’s vote doesn’t count is kind of… well.. impossible, eventually, somewhere and somehow our votes count. So instead of thinking up inane reasons to not vote, register yourself and make a difference (and stay out of the gene pool, please).

  10. A couple documentaries which prove the existence of voter fraud:
    VOTERGATE (2004)
    Eternal Vigilance

    Also watch Endgame:Blueprint for Global Enslavement.

    It’s only to your benefit to check these out.

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