The Preying Mantis Could Learn From These Flies

[ Fake Love Tokens Fool Female Flies ]

Females among many insects and animals, including humans, enjoy receiving gifts during courtship, but a new study on flies reveals that males can woo their intendeds with worthless, fake love tokens, even if such cheating is otherwise undocumented for the species.

By the time the female fly realizes her lover is a cheapskate and beats him off with her wings, the male already has mated with her and leaves with his faux present to find another partner.

The fly has been watching us, and he has taken notes. Not only has he learned that women are easily swayed with gifts, but has taken it to the next level by providing fake gifts. I, for one, applaud these highly advanced insects and their creativity in getting the females to spread their six legs so willingly.


  1. Just so you know…Yes I read the article, so I realize it was the scientists who swapped real gifts for fakes, but the female flies still didn’t realize it very quickly ( giving the males plenty of time to get business done ).

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