The Man Is… Nefarious

If anyone wants to get me a belated Christmas gift, you can go ahead and buy me every damned one of these ridiculously awesome Indiana Jones Lego sets.

Indiana Jones Legos

Why the Hell did it take this possibly shitty new movie starring the idiot kid from Transformers to get these? I pretended that all of my Lego figures were Harrison Ford when I was growing up anyway, they may as well have pocketed Lucas and Spielberg some extra change by making it official.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Well, for as cool as Indiana Jones was….it will always be Harrison Ford as Han Solo for me and my lego past. I was already way out of legos when the Last Crusade came out. The NES had already far taken hold of my life at that point.

    On an unrelated topic, we need some Pie! Anyone see the clip of Marisa Tomei getting it doggystyle? Unfortunately it’s courtesy of Philip Seymour Hoffman, so along with seeing her tits swing, you get a full shot of his overweight ass doing the cramming. Hard to tune out, but it’s possible.

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