The Gods are against me

I’ll start this off like this: Son of a bitch.
I was going to get drunk tonight with a good friend of mine (female) who I may have a “thing” with. My mom and one of my two sisters are vacationing out of town and my other sister was going to be at work/with her boyfriend all night. My dad was going to be playing volleyball/at the bar with the volleyball crowd and not getting home until 12ish. My friend was planning on just crashing here and going home in the morning after my dad left for work. Alcohol source was the boyfriend and that was going to work just perfect, no problems there. I went up to school to try to get classes (that didn’t work, another boring rant in itself) and when I came home it was raining. I look at my dad and mention to him that playing volleyball in the rain is going to suck. He replies “Yeah, it would, but volleyball’s over. Our last week was last week.”
I call my friend and tell her that plans have fell through and we’ll have to do it another time. On the upside I did get to hang out with some friends and watch “The Boondock Saints” so that was a plus.


  1. Hmm… All work and no poontang makes moogle a dull boy. All work and no poontang makes moogle a dull boy. All work and no poontang makes moogle a dull boy. All work and no poontang makes moogle a dull boy. All work and no poontang makes moogle a dull boy. All work and no poontang makes moogle a dull boy. ALL WORK AND NO POONTANG MAKES MOOGLE A DULL BOY.Sorry dude. All members off the human race fall subject to your plight at some point in their lives. Blame it on vollyball…vollyball fucking sucks.

  2. Stupid plight…It was lack of volleyball that got me.It actually turns out that my dad left to go out and play cards at his buddies house and came home around 11 anyway. I probably still could have swung having her over but I assumed he was staying home.

  3. if it makes you feel better…I got Boondock Saints on DVD for under $10 today. Just thought I’d share that.

  4. In the car?What the hell is wrong with you?In the car? Do you do this on the way to your AA meetings? Do you also drink alone? What about in the dark? Do you hide the alcohol in your house? Lie about it to friends and loved ones?Admittance is the first step to beating your problem, man. Remember, it’s a disease.

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