The G(Mail) Spot

[ Gmail Tips ] – if you’re one of the billions of people that seem to be getting in on the greatness of Gmail, this should help you out a bit.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Word.I got my account like two weeks ago, did anyone else get the gibberish first mail with things like: \” circumcise are people lettuce crips\” in it?

  2. newb question…as the koreans would say in D2….ITAM PLZ~~~~~!!!! ITAM PLZ~!!in translation, how do i go about tiefing up an acct?? plz no hobo replies, even the best need a hand now and then, lolz

  3. aaaa Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Is pornography really just harmless entertainment?How did Satan take control of my spouse’s thought life?Is there more than one way that pornography can enter our lives?Does pornography addiction have to be terminal?Why does God cause all this disturbance in my family?Why all the talk about God? I can beat this problem on my own, can’t I?Pornography won’t hurt anyone as long as it is only viewed privately, will it?Pornography has no victims, does it?Does every person who views pornography become addicted?Then why all the alarm?Should I be concerned if my teenaged son looks at pornography? After all, it’s just a natural curiosity, isn’t it?Do I have any reason to be concerned about my daughter viewing pornographic images? After all, it only affects boys and men, right?Why does it seem to affect men in greater numbers than women? Is pornography really just harmless entertainment?No! Pornography has the potential to cause great harm to the psychological, emotional, and spiritual health of the user. For the person who uses it habitually, it exerts such force that the mind can be bent to the extent that the user commits unwanted sexual acts against himself and other people. Those acts may even be criminal in nature. The nature of pornography addiction is such that it drives the addicted one through stages similar to those that a drug addict experiences. The last of those stages is the one in which the user emulates what he sees or reads, regardless of the potential consequences. The addiction controls the user.Back to TopHow did Satan take control of my spouse’s thought life?Your spouse first opened the door. There was probably a specific action that served as an invitation to more satanic activity. For example, your spouse may have stopped by the magazine counter at the local drugstore. His curiosity may have drawn him to open a copy of Playboy or some other magazine. He may not have read any more such magazines for months, but then the memory of the images he had seen that first time presented the enticement to do it again.His open door may have been in the form of a sex scene in an otherwise innocuous movie. It may have been a music video. The memory of that scene, and the perception that the activity was being seen \”live\”, could have presented an almost uncontrollable temptation to find more of the same.

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