The Future Is Not Set, Bitch!

Just to prove Moogleofdoom wrong, this post will be about uh… that Harry Potter chick. Yeah, that’s it. After tomorrow, Lindsay Lohan won’t be our resident forbidden slice. Gotta look towards the future and whatnot.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. i second thatchecked it out…that guy must be around 40. and he’s oogling a 14 y/o girl. not to mention he’s surrounded by HP stuff. Wow. that’s revolting.

  2. SickoYeah, I am sorry, that guy has some SERIOUS issues. I mean a 37 year old guy with a countdown clock to her 18th Bday is just plain asking for trouble. Can we say STALKER!

  3. OMGThat is probobly the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen…Granted she’s gonna be hot, but this guy is calling her \”bewitchingly beautiful\” at like 11 years old. That’s just wrong.And what about the part when he said she reminds her of him with wavy brown hair. Fucked up I’d say.

  4. sick fuck?what about the sick twats that had the olsen twins countdown clock? That’s been running since ’98! Now that’s kinda sick and prolly gave this tweaker the idea to to the same. Cute kid. Too bad that this guy’s gotta give my generation a bad rap. Its a-holes like him that cause me to cringe. I’ve got kids Emma Watson’s age for chrissakes.But Lindsay Lohan….DANCE FOR DADDY. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  5. yeahcheck the guestbook. it’s revealed as a hoax in there… she IS a hot little bitch though.

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