The Futuarrrr Of America

Yeah, I haven’t been able to post very much since I got back from Hawaii, mainly because my clients are in dire need of my attention at the moment. Another day or so and we should be back on pie-posting track.

In the meantime, I had to share something that I saw on the way back from Garden Grove today. There was a Navigator driving along, the sucker seemed a little bit lifted, thus giving the owner a higher view of the rest of us poor bastards with our tiny (in comparison) fuel efficient vehicles. Well, this guy apparently didn’t have much cash after filling his gas tank, because this thing looked like it hadn’t been washed for a few months. And scrawled across his back window was the typical teenage-angst-driven messages of “Wash Me!” and whatnot. But on closer inspection, these teens had apparently written “WAHS ME WAHS ME!” a few times before realizing their own idiocy, and then scrawling the correct “WASH ME!” below. These aren’t seven year olds, unless you know a near-six-foot seven year old. Although I suppose I was in a predominantly foreign-language dominant area, I should be happy that the teens knew that a car was something that needed washing. Although I guess since that will probably be their primary source of income in the future, they might want to learn how to spell it for the job application.

BTW, anyone else find it fucked up that I was sincerely overjoyed to pay $1.94 for gas today, when a few years ago I was paying exactly half that?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Speaking of…Hey Sharkey, speaking of clients in need of attention, are you still getting all those emails for that realtor business?

  2. FunnyI don’t remember ever paying under a buck. Maybe I’m not an old coot like you fellas(only 25) or maybe its living in the SF bay area.

  3. gasI think the lowest i ever paid was 89 cents. That was back with my old Celica, when I worked at the bookstore. I remember spending every ounce of cash in my pocket to fill up with that incredibly low rate.

  4. feel my painI pay 1.20€ (thats $1.50) a LITREthat’s $5.68 a gallon for you metrically challenged mofos

  5. yeahbut dont you drive a motorcycle?And dont I owe you a fucking license plate frame? Or am I just that fucking drunk that I make things up?

  6. duhyou DO owe me a BAMF license plate since 4 years ago or somethinganyways, with the price of gas over here, you might reconsider turning France into a gigantic parking lot

  7. duhyou DO owe me a BAMF license plate since 4 years ago or somethinganyways, with the price of gas over here, you might reconsider turning France into a gigantic parking lot

  8. You know….You know you’re an alcoholic when you can only put $.25 in your gas tank at any given time.^—Been there, done that.

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