That’s Too Simple!

As soon as she said the word “drool” I lost all ability to stiffify my wang for at least the next few hours. I think I’ll take a nap until this is rectified.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. …dear jesus. this woman disturbs me. this makes oral sex scary! if i had a penis, i’d never let that woman or anyone under her advice anywhere near it. next thing you know she’ll be telling them that guys really do like it when you use teeth. and bite down, hard. those are screams of PLEASURE. right?

  2. UnconfortableOh God! My (female) roomate lives and dies by this show. At first, I thought ‘talking about sex’+’hot roomate’=good but I forgot the equation is actually, ‘talking about sex’+’hot roomate’+’my grandma’=Creepy/Uncomfortable. Probably the most disturbing is when she talks about her preferences. That’s when I realized I’d had too much.

  3. radioryanJust laugh at the shit, and lay the roomate afterwards. It’s one of the funniest shows on tv.

  4. Take the dentures out first!Im just glad that it didnt go like this…Caller: Yeh, thats cool and all, but my husband wants deep throat.Old Lady: Oh, hell, why didnt you say so? All you have to do is take the penis like this, and just shove that big thumbith in yu muth jutht lahk thith!

  5. Gatta love SueShe’s a regular on Canadian TV and her show isn’t too far from where I live. We would watch it and listen for people we knew that would call in…we had a couple that I remember. Great laughs.

  6. fuckdammit.yeah, there was that uncomfortable moment when i thought she was going to fellate that dildo. there’s nothing like seeing a matronly woman sucking off a plastic stiffy. but, in other news, i think the republican party has found it’s newest abstinence only teaching aide. imagine setting this woman loose on a group of teens. after that, they’d never be able to think about sex without associating it with her. i think it’s brilliant, really.

  7. hahahahhafstarck:Why do you think Canada is so under-populated? She’s been on our airwaves on a bunch of the channels since the early 90’s.

  8. haha.oh man. you poor canadians. i hope you have great therapists for the HORROR.also, tom: if i had a tounge, i’d be worried… but my tongue is fine. ;D!

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