That’s A New One…

I’ve been taking these supplement pills for my workout regiments, kind of like creatine and energy pills that give you that extra bit of oomph. I took them about ten minutes ago, and I kind of felt like I had a bit of indigestion ever since. I was about to get up and grab another glass of water when I released a firm, crispy belch. Try and picture a gray cloud of powder escaping out of the most disgusting belch I’ve let out in years, accompanied by a terrible burning sensation in my sinuses and a flavor not at all unlike powdered ass, and you’ve got the scenario which unfolded before my eyes.

I think I see spots.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. i hear yayea i do the same thing only instead of supplement pills for workouts, i take adderol for studying (thanks to my friend who has a gigantic prescription for it). and instead of nasty belches, i partake in the releasing of some of the most disgusting shits ever. i can see it now: \”EW DUDE THATS GROSS WHY YOU TELLING US THIS?\”well frankly i dont care. all i know is that im wired and need to smoke another cigarette. oh and for all of you who have enough cock and balls to read comments like this and not think anything of it…THANK YOU.

  2. LOL!Funniest. description. evar. What product are you taking, dude?BTW, I got to the forums this morning by way of the alternate link. Now I get nuthin’. Are they down for real this time, or am I missing something?

  3. Yo the same shit haapen to meI was taking antibiotics for an ear infection. They were huge pills full of grey powder and I took them two at a time. I took some once and was sitting in front of my PC a couple minutes later. This weird-feeling belch works it’s way out of my stomach, and up my throat… it felt like bugs were crawling up my throat. Then I belch and it’s really \”rumbly\” and deep and is accompanied by a cloud of powdery grey gritty stuff.I laughed and laughed. It was great.

  4. HAHAHADamn Sharkey-that shit happened to me too. Just watch out for that ephedrine shit, that’ll kill ya. Take Clenbuterol instead, at least that’ll just give ya tumors-Twitch

  5. Where is the Pie Forum?I just paid for total access to this site which includes the Pie Forum. Why can’t I get into the Pie Forum??

  6. cooldude, shut the fuck upthey fucking answered your question on the forums dipshit, pay attention. stop cluttering the comments section.oh and when i first started taking Cell Tech ( my throat and stomach used to burn. but that stopped for the most part. sometimes my stomach is a little uneasy. must be somethin in creatine, beats me.

  7. Dude…FartboxHave any of you guys heard of the term Fartbox?just imagine taking liquid creatine mixed with powdered wieght gainer.For any of you who are unfamilair with these two products the Creatine is a enegry booster and fluid retainer( designed to make your muscles swell and look bigger) and the wieght gainer is almost pure protien and fat.So you can imagine the foulness of my brothers small room and he benchpresses his way to \”Farigno-ism\”(the hulk).One time he came out of his room burning a whole book of matches…i asked what he was doing he says \”im a pryo\”Riiggghhttt……..

  8. Workout supplements…I think that i am the only person on earth that lifts weights without using ANY workout enhancers like pills or shakes. I tried creatine about 3 years for a month or so, and the only benefit I gained was 10 extra pounds, and stretch marks under my armpits. Ever since then, I have done workouts the natural way, and I am still seeing progress after all this time… (I did hit a plateau about 6 months ago, then recently have begun to work up again.

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