T-Mobile Can’t Save You Now

Alright, either her people are trying to drum up publicity, or Catherine Zeta-Jones is having a really fucking crazy week.

A London tabloid reported Sunday that gunmen tried to force the star’s limo off the road and abduct her in Mexico, where she is currently shooting a film. Meanwhile, Mexican authorities deny any knowledge of an abduction attempt against Zeta-Jones.

The rumored kidnap attempt comes on the heels of a detective’s testimony that phone bills show that the person accused of stalking Zeta-Jones, Dawnette Knight, made threatening calls in mid-May to a hotel where the actress was staying. A judge will hold a preliminary hearing to determine whether there is enough evidence for Knight, who was arrested on June 3, to stand trial.

You see? Try to do some good in this world by spreading news of affordable cellular rate plans and more night/weekend minutes, and this is what you get. I feel disgusted with mankind right now. Downright disgusted. This woman is not someone to be objectified in order to accomplish your own selfish goals. She…

Like a shotgun, BANG. What up with that THANG!

… wait. What? What was I saying?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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