Sweet, Sweet Justice

I knew the child-support system in America was fucked, I just didn’t realize that it had gotten to this level. (shamelessly stolen from the forums)

Last week, Viola Trevino carried her 5-year-old “daughter” into an Albuquerque (search) court to satisfy a judge’s demand to produce the child.

Complications arose.

One: Trevino had kidnapped the child moments before to pass off as her daughter. Two: the “real” daughter never existed. Three: the “father” and ex-husband Steve Barreras had paid $20,000 in child support. Four: the system finally noticed Trevino was lying.

Women like this need to be made an example of. If more cases like this start popping up, the child welfare system will be reformed too much, making it much harder on children who deserve the money.

Ladies, if you don’t want any negative press to start swarming around one of your best sources of income, lynch this bitch before she does any more damage. And stop thinking about doing this sort of thing yourself, you’re only making it easier for men (like me) to swing the bat of justice towards your awaiting jaw.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. poetic…You’re only making it easier for men (like me) to swing the bat of justice towards your awaiting jaw. Hell yeah!

  2. WTF ?Wouldn’t the guy know if he had a daughter or not ? Why the hell would he pay child support on something she said she had? And if she did have a kid – make sure it’s yours…hello blood tests ? Go on Jerry Springer or Maury or something – Jebus !

  3. I knew I should’ve read it first…So the dude knew she was a fake and tried to expose it, and the system failed. The system is abviously 1 sided still.

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