Sweet merciful crap, what happened to all the rants?

My first rant and Nostrin’s two rants have vanished! If I weren’t a lazy man I would post a picture of me not giving a shit because I have my first rant saved on my hard drive.

And by “saved on my hard drive” I mean “Tattooed on my cock.”

I happened to go to a flea market today because I needed to pick up a set of dishes with minor imperfections and a couple stolen boxes of disposable razor blades. A couple minutes after I got there, the skies opened up and there was a torrential downpour.

Sweet Jesus, I haven’t heard that much cursing and yelling in Spanish since I walked through the kitchen of Red Lobster dressed as an INS agent last halloween. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t all Mexicans. Your garden variety urban scumbag had many a van parked at the ol’ flea market and they were all scrambling to cram their tablefuls of crap into their vehicles. It was like a whirling dervish of unwashed limbs, banana boxes full of loose silverware, and stolen DVD’s.

In the confusion, did they notice the flashlight I helped myself to off of one of their tables? Of course not! It was one of those really nice MagLite dealies that you can use to clobber people. When I got it home and tested it out, it didn’t work. Fuck that noise about buying a bulb for it. Its in the dumpster behind my house if anyone wants it.

Categorized as Rants

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