Sue Me Baby One More Time

Is it just me, or does every female celebrity on the planet have some masochistic urge to take photos of themselves that they wouldn’t want anyone to have posession of, ever? That, or it’s all just a subversive marketing tactic (more likely) to make us all continue to care about people like Britney Spears, who is quite steamed at the moment. Why? Because some online casino just paid $40K for some nude photos of her, pre-K-Fed. Although she’s stating that the photos are fakes, clever Photoshop jobs in an attempt to extort her or capitalize on her fame or some shit. It’s from the Enquirer, so I take it all with a grain of salt, but if it comes true we’ll be on it like white on Michael Jackson.

The Enquirer is reporting that a friend of Britney says the star “is flipping out.” She’s even more furious because “the whole thing is a put up job – the photos are Britney’s head put on someone else’s body,” the friend tells the magazine. In other words – Camp Britney is saying Brit’s head is photoshopped on a nude body.

But the web site reportedly claims they are Brit as a teen completely nude.

Yeah, it’s a longshot. But after the downward spiral she’s been on lately, its nice to fantasize about the old, non-total-fucking-whore Britney.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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