Suck My Tiny Yellow Balls!

Hiroshi Yamauchi, the man who’s heavily responsible for the fact that we even have a gaming industry, has done a hilarious Wired interview in which he rants about fat Americans, Microsoft’s secret offer to buy Nintendo, and Canadians. Well worth your time, the man is crazy in the best way possible.

*Edit* Ha! Farked! Whoops.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. NintendoNintendo had better have a good console this time around, or else they will end up just like sega, and as far as the ds goes, I am not impressed. I tried playing a game on there, and thye had me suing the touch screen as the controller, and I couldnt turn my guy halfway around before I got to the end of the screen. Anyway I realy do want nintendo to kick ass this time around, along with sony, cause I hate microsoft with a passion, and that passion grew 10 fold when I heard they took over the apple game makers bungie (ya I know its old new) microsoft needs to burn in all its westernishness, and this is coming from a guy on the west coast

  2. FakeOf course, its fake, either he’s the dumbest sonofabitch in the world or….no wait, he’s the dumbest sonofabitch in the world. Don’t you think the name Jack Gleason is a little fishy? Nah, he was just a famous comedian, so it would have nothing to do with farce and satire.

  3. Who?VBV: Did you read some of the previous comments. Apparently it wasn’t that obvious to everyone. For example, I have no idea who Jack Gleason is. Should I?

  4. Jackie Gleason?Famous actor, Jackie Gleason..big fat guy?..Honeymooners? Old, yet hugely famous sitcom…\”One of these days Alice, one of these days, bam, straight to the moon!\”? He’s passed now, but the author in all his brilliance used it to tip us off..besides no executive officer of such a powerful GLOBAL corporation as Nintendo isn’t going to make those comments, no matter how batshit crazy he none

  5. Jackie Gleason?Famous actor, Jackie Gleason..big fat guy?..Honeymooners? Old, yet hugely famous sitcom…\”One of these days Alice, one of these days, bam, straight to the moon!\”? He’s passed now, but the author in all his brilliance used it to tip us off..besides no executive officer of such a powerful GLOBAL corporation as Nintendo isn’t going to make those comments, no matter how batshit crazy he none

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