Strange Brew

My dad is in town for a tournament tomorrow morning, so we all got together for dinner at a rib joint. I’m not sure that these pork-pushing establishments enjoy being slapped with the “joint” surname, but it doesn’t exactly seem right to call them “restaurants”. Personally, I think that any place which provides a service that requires you to thoroughly sterilize your hands and mouth with those sanitizing napkins deserves to be labeled a “joint”. It just fits, doesn’t it? Rib joints, pizza joints, chicken wing joints, brothel joints. Fine American institutions, all across the board.

Jesus, how much can I babble before getting to the actual point? Anyway, our waiter was straight out of a cartoon, if the cartoon was middle-aged, covered in bronzing creme, and treated customers like visiting foreign dignitaries as opposed to the fat, barbeque sauce swilling pigs that they are. I’ve never had a waiter shake my hand at the conclusion of a meal before, but now I can proudly say that this milestone has been accomplished. I’d wager he wiped his ass with it beforehand, but what an interesting gesture. Made it a little harder to get mad at him when he grabbed my girlfriend’s ass on the way out, too.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. sharkeyHonestly, can you blame him? He shakes your hand to get on your good side, then grabs some ass, cause he knows he ain’t catching shit. Seems like he’s too smart to be a waiter. He should be representing me in court, then slapping the DA on the ass.

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