Seriously, can we stop putting out screenshots of stuff that I want to buy for one fucking day? Between books, DVDs, and games over the next 4 months (I’m estimating about GODDAMNED 30) I’m not going to have time to have sex with myself, let alone a living female.

So yeah, the fucking Nintendo DS train just keeps rolling. I may as well just link to the individual articles, and you can pick what you feel like reading. I’ll be ranting about my ever-shrinking future wallet in a moment.

While I’m actually saddened by the quality of graphics for Advance Wars DS, I will still buy it because I loved the others. I’m still wetting myself over the idea of handheld Mario 64, and you can never go wrong with another Mario Kart title.

I sincerely hope that they bring FFIII over to the states, as I think it’s the only FF game that I have not actually played, and I heard it was amazing. Perhaps if it enjoys commercial success, Square Enix will pull their heads out of their asses and put out VI on this damned thing.

Now, the one thing out of all these links that really makes me salivate is the new wireless info. The fact that you only need ONE COPY of some games (like Mario 64) in order to play multiplayer is… an amazingly good idea, and I’m glad that they finally realized it. Seems like competition is good for some things. And by some things, I mean me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Yup,I’ve already got mine pre-ordered, so I can snatch it up on release day. I’ll have to find out how many games I can afford at launch, and order some of those too.

  2. It’s about time somebody said what I was thinking…Sharkey, I may be drunk but you totally killed that, have you ever thought about getting a job with a big gaming company? Shit man, you know what the fuck we want.

  3. I don’t even remember writing that.I’ve been reading bamf since 2000 or maybe earlier, it’s been my home page since like 2001. I can’t remember my girlfriends names let alone something I read almost five years ago. Speaking of old school bamf though, where the fuck is Mabs? He hasn’t posted since OJ was news.

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