
A clip from Tom Green’s internet show, featuring a nitrous-huffing Steve-O talking about… fucking. A wide variety of it.

And in other news of self-aware douchebaggery, here’s the video of K-Fed getting his staged bodyslam on WWF Raw last night.


Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. +_+TT / TTA the series is very good but as i will state the extreamly obvious it is geting repetitive i kill this zombie i kill that zombie lets kill that bean then that bean then lets die and try to get anthor googleplex ammount of kills dont get me wrong even if it is repetitive its a fun game and i play it a few times a day to try to get the top score but what i would like to see in future additions to the game would be-More Customization (The Customazation as of now is fairly good and i could make quite a number of combonations but i would personally like to see more and insted of having a general three peice outfit it wouldent hurt to have a color changing setting and some accessories like a watch a cross belt a hat ect. just improve apon this a littile and i would be satisfied)-Weapon Varity/ Gun Customization (Right now i can use up to 9 weapons (10 if you include the mini gun you can unlock) Alot of people would be satisfied but personally i think we could use a few more guns and not olny guns melee weapons as well swords,axes,brass knuckles you name it i kind of grow tired shooting a zombie and when i run out of ammo its a real pain in the ass also i think it would be cool if we could add customizations to our guns (I.E Lazor Sites iron sight and any other bounes littile goodies)-Fix Bugs (I olny found one bug but its a bug none the certin times when you freeze time some soldiers will have there weapon cycle thru all of the weapons it kind of gets annoying and helps cause lag speaking of lag..)-Blood / Lag (Ok i shoot them blood flys EVERYWHERE! its like Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 this is the major source of lag..i would like to have a feature of where you can eaither lower the quality of the game (Not sure if there is one as of now or not..but i dont think there is) or make a option to where u can lower the blood or completely remove it-Balancing Weapons (Personally..i think the Gauss Cannon could get a littile bit of a nerf to its DMG department i can take out half the screen with it and really made it easy for me to get 2nd place in super survivor (Or one of the modes i forget its still a insanely strong gun) the 5-7 should get a slight buff to its dmg the grenade launcher should have just a small nerf to its fire rate and thats about it (Never botherd to unlock that dern mini gun)All in all your games have bin very satisfing and fun im sure you will do fantastic in your next project i hope my review helpd you in some way or anthor

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