stereotypical tipping rant

I was eating at this Mongolian BBQ restaurant the other day with some friends of mine. I got into a little argument with them about tipping. Before I even start…let me just get it out of the way that Mongolian BBQ…is like a buffet with meats, vegetables, noodles, and sauces that the customer utilizes to make his own plate of food. You get it all cold, and the cooks cook it in front of you on a giant 1200 degree table-like thing. Anyways…needless to say, the food is awesome, but I looked at the menu to discover that a lunch buffet is $6.00 while a “dinner”(it was like 5:30 in the afternoon) buffet is $13.50. “How could there be this much of a price increase!?” I thought to myself. “Surely the food doesn’t become that of a higher calibur after 4 pm!” I thought. Well, it doesn’t, but all four of us ended up paying $13.50 anyways since the food is fucking great. Fast forward to an hour later, when we get the bill (its $67); My friends want to leave a 15% tip(which would make the total about $77). To me, leaving this waiter a ten dollar tip seems fucking ridiculous. Why the fuck should we give someone 10 extra dollars for doing nothing? I mean, sure, he brought out our drinks and some rice…but other than that, he did absolutely nothing that would merit a tip of more than 4 bucks. All my friends were calling me a cheapskate but I was like “look, if you guys wanna give this motherfucker 10 dollars for bringing you a dr. pepper, feel free. Here’s my one dollar.” Was I wrong to do this? I mean…what the fuck did he do? People at Steak ‘n’ Shake carry more shit to the table than this guy did, and yet, we feel generous giving those poor bastards anything more than 3 bucks. Just cuz the food that we got up and put together ourselves was expensive doesn’t mean that this cornhole should get 10 dollars of our money, in my opinion. Now, if i was tipping the cooks, then maybe I wouldn’t have argued about it. They do work. But this waiter didn’t do a god damned thing. I feel like I did the right thing, but I could be an asshole, I don’t know.


  1. yeah…the waiters have to give a certain portion of their tips to the cooks and the bus boy. therefor, if you want to give the cook a decent tip you have to tip your server well.

  2. well…shit…they should make that clear, and also, who gets how much and all that. i stick by my actions!

  3. j00 = failYeah, they’re all working for that tip.Not to mention that you should always tip well when being on the receiving end of a service related industry.Prostitutes excepted: they include gratuity.

  4. Yeah WellI’d normally disagree with Perry, but every asian BBQ I’ve been to has a specific place to tip the cooks.

  5. goddamn mongolianswhy you tear down my city wall? and then expect me to tip. hey fuck you mongolian, say hello to my little friend

  6. HehScrew that. At a buffet the servers usually make more than the standard serving wage of 2.14 an hour, or at least that is what it was when I was waiting tables. I refuse to leave any more than 10% on a buffet check. Especially when the buffet server is fucking shitty, which is more often than not. That is why they work at buffets, they can’t hack it at a restaurant where they may have to actually do some work.

  7. yupWas this a Genghis grille? Sounds like it. There they have a place by the grille to put in money for the cooks. If not, then probably the cooks get paid by the waiters, although they would get more on salary.Also, those places are usually packed at dinner, hence the higher price. Because they can.

  8. Kahns Mongolian BBQWe have a Kahn’s Mongolian BBQ near Minneapolis and I love it. There is a place to tip the cooks. When you tip the cook, you bang a gong and he yells \”Thaaaaaaank Yooooooooou!\”. Funny shit. Tipping 15% is pretty standard, and you should include that in your totaling of what you can spend when you go to a resaurant.

  9. Along with MoogleI have to point out that I’ve seen almost this exact argument in Resevoir Dogs… a damn good argument I might add. Way to make a stand Perry.

  10. hmmwell…apparently every mongolian bbq place with the exception of this one has a tip jar for the cooks. if there was one, id leave them one. i just dont wanna risk that shitty waiter taking the whole tip. i mean, i cant KNOW that he wont. also…this marks the first time i think i’ve ever posted in rants without someone belittling me for no reason. either there are a lot of new readers (since i havent posted here in well over a year), or as soon as i turned 18 i became an acceptable staff member.

  11. agreedMost tipouts systems that I’ve seen make the waiters give a percentage of their total bill to the cooks and support staff, regardless of their actual tips. So chances are that it doesn’t matter to the support staff that you didn’t tip. It doesn’t seem like you should have. I wouldn’t have.

  12. Im a Waiter, I fucking agreeI wait tables, but at a restaurant where i actually do shit. You aren’t supposed to tip more than like ten percent at buffet type establishments. Fuck that Mongolian.

  13. Not the same as Resevoir Dogsperry has a slightly more valid point. The nature of the establishment results in the waitstaff not having to do very much or to provide sharp, timely service. It seems all they have to do is just check to see if you want a soda every 5 minutes. And do you tip the person at McDonalds who asks if you want to supersize? No. 10% is appropriate.Mr. Pink, on the other hand, was being a dick. (note: I tip 20% unless the waiter or waitress directly happened to ruin the quality of my life somehow. I used to deliver fast food and I know what it’s like. And one day, I might be a waiter or bartender again, so I try to keep on the good side of karma)

  14. COCKCHOKELEAVE A TIP, YOU CHEAP FAGGOT. 20 says you never worked a job where you had to LIVE off the fucking things. Asshole. PS – These rants suck. I LEAVE RANTS NO TIP!

  15. Perry Eats AssPerry you are the worst ranter ever. I was shocked and amazed that you returned with rants. Please leave and never come back. You are not funny. You are not interesting. Fuck off.

  16. tip wellim a waiter at a resturant not exactly known for good tipping. so therefro we dont have to give tip outs to other support staff. we have to bus our own fucking tables wich sucks when your busy. we make 2.13 hour ok? tip well or the servers will not give u good service at all if u come in again, we remember you bad tipper people

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