Spore DS, Castlevania PSP, and Other Erections

Apparently the gaming industry wants to make amends for my Best Buy visit the other night. And they’re starting with a spot that’s close to my heart: handheld gaming.

  • Castlevania PSP – It’s essentially a 3D upscale of the 2D game (still has the 2D gameplay) Rondo of Blood for the PC-Engine/Turbografix 16. Not only do you get one of the best games in the series, rewrapped for the widescreen portable, but it comes free with a PSP version of Symphony of the Night.

    castlevania rondo of blood psp

    Looks like I won’t need to rip the PS1 version and use it on my hackified PSP after all. Here’s video of the game in action, in case you needed another reason.

  • Straight from EA: Spore is coming to the DS.

    Regarding both the Wii and Nintendo DS, Electronic Arts noted that the company has 15 SKUs in development for both platforms, including several original IP offerings. Confirmed titles in development for Nintendo platforms include My Sims for both the DS and Wii, Sim City, as well as official confirmation of a Nintendo DS version for Will Wright’s highly anticipated Spore.

  • Gamepro: Next-Gen Showdown – It’s a knock-down, drag out fight to the finish and the victor is:

    ….the PS3.

    ….. No seriously.

    I can see the author’s points on a few things. Sure, it has some major fucking titles coming out. Sure, it has hardware that can last for ten years. …but it won’t. When Nintendo and Microsoft decide to trade blows again in 5-6 years, Sony will be lacing up it’s gloves too, provided it doesn’t go the way of Sega. (it won’t) And unless that rumored price cut (rumored price hikes in Canada recently were debunked as Best Buy evils, not Sony’s) takes place, I’ll just have to do the unthinkable Sony.

    I just won’t fucking play Final Fantasy XIII. Yeah, you heard me. I won’t bother playing it. I don’t have to either. Out of the seven Sony-exclusive (cuts out the rereleases) Final Fantasy games, do you know how many I have beaten? Two. Two have held my interest beyond the oohs and ahhs to prod me into actual completion of the “epic” saga. Those two games my friends were VII and X. I haven’t beaten XII yet because… well, we got a 360 and a Wii. Zelda is a priority baby.

    Gamepro is basically hoping, with this article, that people will pay no attention to them… which we’ve all been pretty good at doing for the better part of two decades. Then after their longshot bet comes racing across the finish line in first place (or what it beleives to be first place) they can come running up saying “Ha! HA fucking HA! We told you we were legitimate!” Which is an excellent plan, Gamepro. Nice saving throw.

Categorized as Gaming

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I have been squashing bugs and putting the final touches on a special “secret” project of mine: A new Bytesize player! Oldschool NG fans will remember that way back at the turn of the century, NG had mini cartoons that played in a box on the front page. We eventually removed the feature and a part of NG died with it. As part of the redesign, we’ve decided to bring it back!

    Rather than have a bunch of crappy cartoons by me and Wade, we’re giving everyone the opportunity to participate this time around! Each hand-picked cartoon will include artist credits and will link to the artist’s page on NG.

    If you wish to participate, your movie MUST BE 250 pixels wide by 150 tall. The file size should be around 100-150k (definitely under 300k) and the length should be under 30 seconds. There will be faint background music (from the Audio Portal) built in, so music isn’t necessary and you are probably better off without it. Quality voice and sound effects are recommended, though.

    The biggest rule is that your submission needs to be FUNNY, weird or compelling! Because this is directly on the front page, we can’t allow excessive swearing or adult themes. You can bleep out the swear words if they are necessary.

    There will likely be a lot of rejections, so please don’t make something unless you truly believe it will be of high quality! These movies will be the first impression for new visitors and will be a great opportunity to drive visitors to the rest of your stuff!

    If you are interested in participating, send your movie, in .SWF format, to tom AT newgrounds.com! If it is accepted, I will request the .FLA, which we need for final implementation. If your submission isn’t used, you can always scale up the dimensions and submit it to the Portal. 🙂

    Thanks in advance to everyone who participates!

    ADDED NOTE: The frame rate is 30fps!

  2. In 2004, a young girl named katu lata kulu came over to America in a grey boat from Africa. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the word “LATUALATUKA” into her back. now that you have read this message, she will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you follow these directions

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