1. My siteShouldnt link to filespace you dont own, dudes, I was already being pummeled by the goons I shared this with and you lot didnt help.

  2. Your siteYou shouldn’t leave open directories on the internet if you don’t want others to see them, dude.

  3. I agree…with ghostrider. Linking is kinda what the Internet is about. Not that I’d give you a hard time for taking it down, either. Someone should post a mirror. Or BAMF should host it!

  4. bitchy a-holeHey crabby-ass, do you know the difference between a leecher and link? Not like we were leeching warez from your site you crustyfuck. God, what a douchebag. Don’t act like you’ve never done the same thing as a host or as a user. Bastard. Go fealch.

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