Spam I Am

I have decided to be lame by starting my own livejournal and doubly lame by spamming my LJ here on BAMF.

Also, if you like scams and pyramid schemes, go here.

As long as I’m doing all this spamming I might as well direct you to Roosh’s Denise Richards worship page. It’s no SOTD, but there’s still some good stuff on there.

By the way, if you didn’t like this post then I have two words for you. Go fuck yourself.

Categorized as News


  1. went and fuked myselfhey man…great site and all that but the xupiter popup ad HAS to go… that shit is spyware.

  2. lolzxupitersounds like some sorta interplanetary hypergalactic pyramid schemedammit… now im thinkin about pyramid schemes

  3. Thanks RaygunI took the stupid Horrible Affliction test from you live journal site while my girlfriend was sitting next to me. I’ll be damned if I didn’t turn out to be Gonorrhea. Now how the hell am I supposed to pick up hot women if everytime I see one she calls me \”Gonorrhea boy\”?Thanks you fucking asshole

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