Space Mountain Offline

First and foremost, I posted something in Gaming and no one seems to have seen it. Actually, it was fairly new when I posted it, so you can read it now and complain that you saw it months ago to allow me to keep my title.

So I was talking to Tink yesterday and he said a few days ago they closed Space Mountain and it won’t be open again for the next two years. Why do I care? I care because Space Mountain is about 90% of the reason I even go to Disneyland. 10% is that Tink gets us in for free. 90% is because we want to ride Space Mountain when it derails and get a seven-figure out-of-court settlement from Disney. It’s just like winning the lottery.

Categorized as News


  1. space mountain, bah!I’m cursed with that mountain. I went to Disney land about 5 years ago, waited in line to ride Space Mountain for about an hour or so, go towards the end when they said that they had to shut down due to a crack in the track,that same summer i went to disney world, waited in line for space mountain there, couldn’t ride it because of too igrits (birds basically) that were flying around.I managed to get on it the next day and wasn’t too impressed. Is the disney land one better? cause as far as i could tell it was.

  2. orionthe reason no one read it is because up until that point, there had not been posts anywhere except the main site for months. we don’t regularly check any more.

  3. GamingIt’s going away, sort of. The new site rollout will make it so you can get gaming news/reviews from the main page, since nobody gives enough of a to click on the other page. Hell, I don’t even care that much and I run the place.

  4. Euro DisneyThe space mountain at Euro Disney is way better then the one in Orlando, thats all I know.

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