Sorry About The Delousing, Farva. Its Standard Procedure.

I think I’ve got the nerd-stink out of my clothes, so I feel safe posting again. Actually, the real reason for my silence is a fried motherboard (mine) and many tears (also mine, and also the guy at Frys who wouldn’t take it back.)

It’s been a pretty busy week for me. We all took a trek up to LA to see The Producers at the Pantages theatre on Saturday. Some of us went out to a pie place afterwards (‘natch) to unwind. I have to say, it was the best musical I’ve ever seen in all my days. Although, I think it might have been the only musical I’ve ever seen, but with all of the liquor that I’ve subjected my brain to, I wouldn’t be surprised if I turned out to have a past as a theater aficionado. The uh… non gay kind I mean. …I hope.

We had a good ol’ time at the Con. I was still reeling from the previous week’s dosage of absinthe, which somehow made me feel clumsy and incoherent. I can usually deal with those symptoms individually, but in combination they can be a bitch. Anyway, I don’t usually go down there to meet people, but I did shake hands with both Sean Astin and Tycho from Penny-Arcade. I think Tycho recognized me either from BAMF, or from swapping Scientology stories years ago. I didn’t ask, because at that particular moment I was trying to figure out why my teeth felt so funny. Stupid absinthe, why anyone would drink it habitually is beyond me. My girlfriend got all hot and bothered from meeting Sean Astin, which is pretty funny because I didn’t think anyone who constantly played the underdog in films could get a girl excited. Oh well, says I, whatever gets her crank turning is fine by me.

By the way, I’ve had to ration out the various portions of my life in order to maintain my unhealthy addiction to Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. For a game that I thought sounded pretty stupid (that whole dice throwing shit is not my usual cup o’ tea) I’ve developed a mighty affection for the dark side of the force. There’s something deeply satisfying about telling your character to lie to a Yoda look-alike just to get your hands on a lightsabre. Satisfying, and pathetic all at the same time. I feel no remorse about my plans to immerse myself completely in the game until my girlfriend decides to pull me out for some nookie. Although knowing girls and how evil they actually are, that could take a very long time. She’ll probably pull me out of it so that she can watch A Knights Tale or something. All the more reason to immerse myself in this sad little pastime.

Did I mention I was still feeling a little out of it?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. You Had Me At The TitleIf you feel bad about the musical, quoting Super Troopers, one of the funniest films I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on, easily makes up for it.

  2. So…You took my advice on the Absinthe eh? I hope you didn’t drink it the pussy ass french way, but that would explain the bad feeling. If you did try it the french way give it another shot with the czech form: Caramelize a spoonful of sugar and mix it with water in the absinthe til you see a cloud in it then sip it down.

  3. Sharkenmeyer:you absolutely have to get your hands on Mel Broks’s original film version of The Producers. Best comedy ever.

  4. PosersYou fucking posers, I didn’t think you’d ever stoop so low Sharkey. Quit being gay and pretending absinthe is some magical fuck you up juice, it’s just plain old liquer, drink it if you like it but don’t be some tendy bitch…

  5. Umm yeah I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up now…Clearly you must not know what you are talking about… Absinthe has hallucinogenic properties from the wormwood that is used to make it. It is not just alcohol and if it was, the effects that come with a true Absinthe would not be achieved in drinking it.

  6. Still an idiotYep and if you keep reading the link you just posted Hector you will see everything I said is true. Also don’t take everything you read on the internet as truth, no matter what your grandfather says when you two are laying in bed together at night.

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