Somebody Had To Do It

Just to stave off the submissions of Macaulay Culkin getting arrested for marijuana charges, I’ve decided that I will wrap up the whole thing with just an image. That way we can move on and have a nice, productive Monday.

Home Alowned, Nigga!

Thanks to chabaz for being first to submit it to me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HahaHe looks like he just smoked a bag of it just before they found it on him.I bet he’s got the muchies something aweful during that photo.

  2. The Good Son indeed.Remember in home alone when he slaps the aftershave on and screams? I bet he did that all the time when he was smoking with his friends, and they would just laugh and laugh. Its really ashame that the next time he does it will probably be because hes getting some prison rape.

  3. UmmWhat do you mean he never touched a pussy? He was freakin’ married at 17…and even if he is an ugly fucker, he is still the Culkin…That means he can get any woman he wants!

  4. some culkin hateif you dont think the star of one of the highest grossing movies ever can get laid, youre an idiot. and why the fuck would a celebrity get put into prison for weed? sigh

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