Some Assholes Never Learn

McFarlane Starts Writing New Spawn Movie

“Spawn” creator Todd McFarlane has announced that he has officially begun writing the screenplay for a new movie based on the character.

“The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years,” McFarlane said. “The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary.”

He added that “the tone of this ‘Spawn’ movie will be for a more older audience. Like the film ‘Departed.'”

So the old weary artist inside regrets cashing in and making that first piece of shit flick, and now he wants another shot at glory. That, or he hopes that the lingering stench of John Leguizamo has cleared out, and the public will have forgotten his past filmmaking sins. Either way, it should be a spectacular piece of garbage, and I can’t wait to get exceptionally drunk and not watch it.

If he really wants to get my attention, he should make a movie about what a good investment those home run baseballs were.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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