So I Said “No You’re Under The Influence. Of Being A Jerk!”

Got a link in the mail this morning from Robert, who shared an excellent story about the band Creed getting their asses sued for being too stoned/drunk to play at a Chicago concert. It might just be a good day after all.

In their suit, filed in the chancery division of Cook County circuit court, the plaintiffs alleged lead singer Scott Stapp (pictured) “was so intoxicated and/or medicated that he was unable to sing the lyrics of a single Creed song. Instead, during the Creed concert, Stapp left the stage on several occasions during several songs for long periods of time, rolled around on the floor of the stage in apparent pain or distress, and appeared to pass out on stage during the performance,” the suit reads.

According to the suit and news reports, the band’s management issued an apology to Chicago area fans for the quality of the performance. The apology, they said, read, in part: “We apologize if you don’t feel that the show was up to the very high standards set by our previous shows in Chicago … We hope that you can take some solace in the fact that you definitely experienced the most unique of all Creed shows and may have become part of the unusual world of rock and roll history!”

Can you imagine if the litigation craze had hit it’s pinnacle during the 60s? Groupies would have made a fortune from paternity and sexual harassment suits. Personally I’d like it if I could sue Creed for every time one of their piece of shit tunes like “Higher” get stuck in my head. Then I have to go stick my face into that hole I carved into the microwave and let it bake the pain away for about 3 minutes. But afterwards, I get a killer buzz and my Hot Pocket is ready.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Whoa NellyI was under the impression that Creed was a straight edge band, and until now I’ve had minimal to no respect for them. I think it’s cool that he got shitfaced and all, I feel sorry for. He portrays that whole \”holier than though\” spirituality bullshit image, and he’s nothing more than a substandard human being who looks like he’s got a turd that he’s trying to hold in when he sings.

  2. yeah but…I’d never go so far as to call creed a heavy metal rock band. they’re more like christian rock. which is the same as shit rock.

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