*Smacks Forehead*

So that’s it, I’m done. No more finals, at least for a little while, and I got some hefty clients off my plate. Not bad for a day’s work. Actually, it was month’s of repetitive and boring work, but since it all culminated into one Hellish day, I’ll accept the kudos now.

However, I am ashamed of one piece of scholastic stupidity, and that is forgetting about my fourth class. I enrolled in an online “Advanced Photoshop” course, which turned out to be not-so-advanced. I figured it fulfilled a requirement for transfer, and they might get me some more practice time with the goddamn pen tool. Unfortunately, it was a half-semester class, and I didn’t remember until that half was half over. HALF! HALF! Ok, now that I have all of the halves out of my system, we can move on. Sadly, I signed on just in time to take the second quiz. Well, I would have if I’d signed on a few hours earlier. But I didn’t. Fuck. So I ask the teacher what the feasibility of me passing this course is. He gets back to me about three fucking weeks later and tells me that with the limited time I have left (thanks, sport) I can possibly get myself a B if I turn in all of the course work, do all of the review questions, turn in a kickass final project and do well on the final. So I stress about getting 80 fucking Photoshop projects done, do my kickass final project, and tonight was the night of the final. Want to know how I did? Well, let me show you:

OH SWEET IRONY! ...or poetic justice, or whatever.

100 fucking point five. I aced the sunuvabitch. The worst bit? Look at the grades of my classmates? An 82% average? 71%? 59%? It doesn’t take into account the folks who didn’t even take the test, so that means that I’m in a class with complete idiots who will more than likely get a better grade than I will, merely because they are better than marking things on a calendar than I am.

So who’s the bigger dumbass here, me or them? The fools or the fool who’s better than all of them yet tripped over himself and missed the first three weeks of class? Personally, I think if I had a personal assistant, the world would be conquered by now. It’s not laziness, it’s just that I’m time-illiterate.

Maybe I’ll ask to retake just the two quizzes next semester. It’d be worth the $40 not to have a B in a class that this kid could have aced. Anyway, thanks for letting me waste a few minutes of your life. As you were.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. gradescongratulations mate. no shame in getting high marks. yes, you probably could have jacked-off a little bit more and gotten a B. then again, you could have really lowered your standards and gone to hotel-management college like that fucktard jimmypop from sanfrancisco. well done i say-gourock

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