Slice Of The Day: Sienna Guillory

Just got done seeing Resident Evil: Apocalypse, and I gotta say that Sienna Guillory was quite the pants-tightening little portrait of Jill Valentine. Between her and Milla Jovovich’s boobies, I was able to successfully ignore most of the crap in that movie. Hooray!

Sienna Guillory. Just about the only thing that could possibly distract me from Milla Jovovich and her supple ass of ...ass suppleness. Its late, you come up with something, fuckface.

I’ll have a review of RE: Apocalypse tomorrow. For now, I go to sleep to dream of an RE-themed threesome featuring Milla, Sienna, and myself. Although knowing my fucked up dreams, it’ll probably feature Nemesis in the background with a video camera muttering “STARRRRRRRSSSS” over and over again.

… HOT!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. NiceThat chick makes my pants tight.My vote goes to Hiedi Klum for the next slice of the day. She hasn’t done anything spectacular lately that I know of, but god damn she’s hot.

  2. Best slice in ages.Any and all of the problems with the rest of the movie were rendered insignificant by the wood I got just watching Sienna Guillory walk across the screen.Damn.Thanks Sharkey.

  3. Fuck YeahMy pants got tight as well, I was suprised they found somebody that looks like Jill and made your penis happy and the same time. Was it just me or does she have a sexy back that they showed often?

  4. Damn.Those pictures do her no justice, I just finished watching that movie and that bitch is fucking smoking.\”GTA Motherfucker!\” (I LOL’d IRLWTFBBQ)

  5. O’YeaNew Drink: R.E Shooter….Mix 1 part Sweet assAdd HandgunsSwirl in Bad AttitudeShake gently…..Pour over Manhood….

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