Slice Of The Day: Sarah Jessica Parker

Yet again LP pulls through for us (after an extended hiatus from me) with currently all-over-the-fucking-news Sarah Jessica Parker.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Can’t talk, got a party to hit. I’ll probably post once more when the beast is in me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. She’s fucking hideous-Logan, you think SJP is hot? Jesus Christ. She’s a fucking DOG. Get a life.

  2. hehShit bitches. Like you wouldn’t fuck that shit anyway!I love people who look at bitches faces. That shit doesn’t matter. For a couple of reasons. First off, she’ll never be your girlfriend or wife. And if you beat off to chicks faces, you need help. Chicks faces server one purpose, a receptacle for my jizz.

  3. Great body, hideous faceYou gotta give that beeyotch credit fellas, she had a kid. Look at that tight as hell body. Her face is horrid, but from the neck down? Give me a break, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t try to kill that shit.Friggin Inspector Gadget is a lucky mofo

  4. ARGGG…..This chick is by far the most hideous creature on TV or Cable for that matter, i wouldn’t screw her with sharkey’s Tool, but id watch him fondle her with a spoon…..Her baby was adopted from aliens and gadget , well he has issues im sure too…

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