Slice Of The Day: Peta Wilson

So uh… I’d like to take this moment to plead with whatever forces control the outcome of the film industry (besides money, I hear that it’s either the liberals or the Jews, so I love all of you for the moment) in order to make League Of Extroardinary Gentlemen into something that does not resemble feces thrown by angry monkeys at strips of celluloid. I have my own monkeys, thank you, I can see that at any time. Or, I can go pick up Daredevil when it hits DVD.

Anyway, I just want The League to do well because for one, Sean Connery movies should never, ever suck. And secondly, we would most certainly get more hot pics of today’s slice, Peta Wilson. So pray with me children. Pray hard.

Peta Wilson's most impressive credit on her resume is a shitty TV remake of a mediocre film remake of an actually good French flick. So she needs this. She needs it bad.

What th… I said PRAY, you punks! I can see what you’re doing, and God wouldn’t like it! Nobody wants to see that!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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