Slice Of The Day: Paris Hilton

Man oh man, just when you think Paris Hilton is going to fade away, her publicist figures out some sort of stunt to keep her shining in the limelight.

In case you were under a rock, or perhaps out with real people instead of hanging out on the net all weekend, Paris’ Sidekick got hacked, causing all kinds of shenanigans. I uploaded all of the “stolen” pics from her phone to SOTD. Watch out, some are NSFW.

That's hot.

I’m really torn about the validity of the hacking itself. I’m not saying that the pics/phone book aren’t real, I’m just saying that if it were any other star, it’d be a PR stunt. The only reason I even question it in this case, is because Paris Hilton has no fucking need for PR. She’s a professional socialite, and filthy fucking rich. Why bother, unless you’re a complete and utter attention whore?

Oh… right.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. So…Does anyone know who the girl is that she’s naked with in some of those pics? Because honestly, in the pic where they’re almost kissing, the chick looks like Axl Rose 15 years ago. She’s got man hands.

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