Slice Of The Day: Nikki Ziering

Well, I warned you sons of bitches. Three demands for slices today. Now you gotta take your medicine. A spoonfull of Nikki Ziering ought to learn ya. Take it like a man.

Nikki Ziering is apparently a Playboy playmate. That means she gets naked.

I hope you’ve learned your lesson, dick. Now I’m going to enjoy myself at a party. Apparently you’ve got nothing better to do than sit at home with your dick in your hand staring at Pretty lame, Milhouse.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. huh?was there a problem getting the new pictures up or did sharkey just decide to tell us about the same bunch of pictures twice

  2. Any more???Thats gotta be the least amhref of pics for a sweet pie slice…..Can we have seconds?…Please……

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