Slice Of The Day: Natalie Portman

It’s Natalie Portman’s birthday, a fact which was brought to my attention by the half-black-tastic Tracer Bullet earlier today. So once again she graces us with her excellent. And some nice boobie shots as well.

I'd love for Natalie Portman to blow out my candle and make a wish

*sigh* they grow up so fast. I remember it was only yesterday that Natalie was a forbidden slice. Now she’s all growns up.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Great movieya, truely great movie. In my opinion Portman is one of the higher ranking dutch apples.

  2. GuhI know she’s hot and all, but for Christ’s sake, this is like the third time this week she’s been SOTD.

  3. Yarr.In that front-page picture she looks a *lot* (uncannily, that is) like an ex girlfriend of mine. That’s creepy.

  4. Erm?\”Yarr. – Friction (Lowly Newb) at 05:16:15 PM on 6/10/2004In that front-page picture she looks a *lot* (uncannily, that is) like an ex girlfriend of mine. That’s creepy\”Creepy? Fuck that id be proud of myself!

  5. Yarr.Well, yeah, proud in a sense, but less so because I lost it. Proud to say that we’re still friends though. It’s creepy because the resemblance is really, really close.

  6. eh?no offense, but the layout on the SOTD pages sucks. can’t you do something about that? and how about putting more of the thumbnails on each page and condensing the number of pages i have to go through to find the \”nice boobie shots\”?

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