Slice Of The Day: Natalie Portman

Tomorrow is the big day that the new Natalie Portman flick Closer hits theaters, sans gratuitous nude scenes. Thank you very much, director Mike Nichols. Your razorblade and hydrogen peroxide enema is on its way.

one chick I'd like to get 'Closer' to. Get it? Ha! Get it? Because the name of her flick is... is.... oh fuck you.

Seriously, when they decide to put this flick out on DVD, they will be faced with the ultimate in “will we or won’t we” dilemmas. On the one hand, the director is a douchebag who doesn’t want the nude scenes to hit the public. Fine. On the other hand, you’ve got the studio looking at a whopping few million extra DVD sales from perverts (ie: you and I) who want to see Natalie’s glory revealed on our televisions.

In my experience, the ones with the money win in the end. Sadly, in this case, Nichols is one of the producers, so we might not get to see Natalie’s box in the end. Hopefully some studio lackeys with a hard-on for disobedience decide to steal some cutting-room-floor excellence and release it on the web. As always, I’ll be ready to receive this bounty should it ever feel the need to grace my needy eyes.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HowHow the heck can you play a stripper in a movie, and not get nekid???? I mean isnt the point of a stripper to show her boobs for us. portman has got to be the worst stripper in stripper history ever

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