Slice Of The Day: Monica Bellucci

Gobble gobble, motherfuckers.

I’m letting the turkey, gravy, and various other things made of animals and/or sugar join forces within my mighty stomach, so I figured I’d check up on my mail. I had the following holiday wishes from Matt:


I’m thankful for Katie Holmes. I’m thankfully for Keira Knightley. I’m thankful for Kate Beckinsale. I’m thankful for Scarlett Johannson. I’m thankful for Monica Bellucci.

And I’d be thankful for Sharkey if you make one (or all) of them slice(s) of the day.

Your wish is granted, starting in reverse order, since those “K” girls have been highlighted far more recently than the super-delicious Monica Bellucci, so I’ve taken the liberty of doubling her gallery. Enjoy.

Monica Bellucci. The best thing to come out of italy since... well, i guess Sophia Loren. So she's not too far behind, but whatever. She's hot, fucker.

Now to cozy up next to the fire with a slice of pie, an actual slice of pie, and perhaps Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I’ll see you motherfuckers in the morning as I’m trampling you during the Black Friday sale at Frys. No, I’m not looking for anything in particular, I just can’t pass up an opportunity to trample people, especially when they’re still overstuffed with giblets and gravy.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. tramplingI went out to trample this mourning, but to no avail, the crouds were not big enough at best buy, oh well I got to stand in line for a god hour and a half, and that always loads of fun

  2. frys…God damn mother fuckers… Sold out of the porcessor I wanted at 8 fucking A.M. in the morning. Oh well, at least I got 512 mb of Kingston ram for $39.

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