Slice Of The Day: Monica Bellucci

I dunno if you missed her as Persephone in Matrix Reloaded (it was easy to do as she was in it for a frightfully short amount of time), so I’m going to cover everyone’s bases by posting a sweet-ass gallery of Monica Bellucci.

She does have freakishly large man-hands, but she could do a lot with 'em, if you know what I mean. Like the dishes.

Get ready for a barrage of slices, thanks to LP who went on a Goddamned slice-collecting rampage. The only reason that I didn’t start with his handiwork is that because of it’s sheer volume of pictures it’s taking me an eon just to upload them. Besides, take a look at this pic. If you’re at work, you probably hate me for that, but I bet you need a cold shower too.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Spectacular.I’m a big enough man to say that the second pic alone is hotter than any of the galleries that I’ve made. Goddamn.

  2. matrix reloadedIn the game, Enter the Matrix, down the line, Monica Belluci and Jada Pinkett Smith kiss. A real kiss too, just like she kissed Neo. Bad ass.

  3. Irony.I just received in the mail the first issue of my free 2 year subscription to Maxim that Sharkey graciously linked to, and Monica Bellucci is on the cover.

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