Slice Of The Day: Michelle Monaghan

Anybody here make it to the theaters to see Mission Impossible 3? I didn’t, and sadly I missed out on the fantastic Michelle Monaghan, who was apparently quite hot in the flick. But now that I’ve seen her bare-ass nekkid in Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, I don’t really need to see that Tom Cruise shitfest, do I?

Let us all revel in this fact by partaking of her gallery.

How many times do you think that a poorly-conceived “I’d like to Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang her” joke has been made since she took her top off in that film? I could attempt to figure out a rough estimate, but no doubt the US government has given a grant to a team of crack scientists who will not rest until a proper equation is formulated, tested, and formulated yet again. I’m guessing it’d be something like:

(Box Office Dollars / Average Ticket Cost) / (Douches Who Saw It – Nearby Women) = Why the fuck did I bring this up?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. Actually,I liked this MI more than the last one.. Number 2 sucked, but number 1 is still the shit. And yeah, she’s hot. It was like \”Sweet, she’s hot, sweet, explosion, awesome gunfight, more hotness, What? The hot chick is being tortured? Fuck that man up!\”

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